Contact Information:

To book an event for filming or questions on a Customized Recruiting Web Page, give us a call or fill out our online form.


Phone: 978.804.2734


Mailing address:

4 Beaver Place

Billerica, Massachusetts 01821

Services & Pricing

We offer a wide range of filming and film editing services. We can work within almost every budget, so please contact us with any questions you may have. It is our goal to make sure that every athlete has what they need for college recruitment!

Your Customized Recruiting Web Page

You'll need to download the necessary forms from our FORMS page to get started. You'll need "Game Breakdown Form", "Contact, Athletic and Academic Information Form", and you may want to download the "College Info for High School Athletes and their Parents" document too. It's full of information that you may not have realized about the recruiting process!

Here's how it works;

  1. You'll go through each individual game you have (either supplied or that we have filmed for you) and fill out a Game Breakdown form. Please use a separate game breakdown form for each individual game and email them back to us. Also, mail a deposit of $200 to Highlight Productions, 4 Beaver Place, Billerica, MA 01821. Once your deposit has been received we will commence working on your Highlight Web Page.

  2. At the bottom of each Game Breakdown form you'll notice another area to be filled out. There are 3 areas for Extended Game Footage Selections. If you're a midfielder and the team rotates their lines (as most do), you will want to add game footage of when your line was on the field so the college coach doesn't need to scan through a complete game to find you (you're basically doing that with this area of the sheet). I would suggest 4-7 segments at the most. You can select this in game quarters if you like or use the start/stop times. It's up to you. If you play defense, attack or is a goalie, the same goes - pick areas where you can be showcased on the field in game play.

  3. We will then compile the clips you've chosen into one highlight segment and send you back a link to access your video online to review. Each clip will have a number in the upper left corner so we can communicate back and forth to each other which clip will need attention (i.e.: delete clip #13, make clip #20 longer in the front or the back end, add a moving arrow to a clip on top of me to indicate me in the clip, and any re-ordering you may want.

  4. We will make 1 revision to each individual video segment and re-post your revision(s) online for your final review, so take time to make sure you have all changes specifically expressed in your email to us. Additional revisions will be billed on a time element of $35/hour.

  5. When sending us your Highlight selections (STEP 1), please also fill out the 'Contact, Athletic and Academic Information' sheet. This will be a separate segment (Contact, Athletic and Academic Information) on your Web Page that the college coach will be able to play and see all of your information in a rolling title screen with subtle background music (similar to the credits at the end of a movie).

  6. Once all segments have been reviewed and your FINAL authorization is received via email, it should take approximately 2-4 days to have everything completed and posted online .
College Info for High School Athletes an[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [159.2 KB]
Game Breakdown Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [16.6 KB]
Contact, Athletic and Academic Informati[...]
Microsoft Word document [30.0 KB]